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Kategorien beginnend mit A

Produkte beginnend mit A


American Literary Autographs from Washington Irving to Henry James

Exact reproductions of valuable original manuscripts and fragments from the Pierpont Morgan Library collection—passages from Cooper’s Deerslayer, Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter, writings of Whitman, Poe, Howells, O. Henry, many more. Introduction. Transcriptions and commentary. 98 plates.

Absolutely, Mr. Sickless? Positively, Mr. Field!

Absolutely, Mr. Sickless? Positively, Mr. Field!

New Light on the Eugene "Pinny" Field II and Harry Dayton Sickless Forgery Case. 2001, Limited to 650 copies of whisch 250 have been numbered, illustrated.

by William L. Butts
Autograph Poetry in the English Language

Autograph Poetry in the English Language

Facsimiles of original manuscripts from the fourteenth to the twentieth century - Cassell, 1973

Autographes de Stars

Autographes de Stars

Is an album-book intended to be a contribution to the history of cinema autographs.

American Public Men

American Public Men

A Manual for Autograph Collectors, 1906

A Collector`s Guide to Autographs with Prices

A Collector`s Guide to Autographs with Prices

Bob Bennett covers all the specialities, from historical to rock stars

Autograph Collector

Autograph Collector

Celebrity Autograph Authentication Guide - Authentic Examples of Over 1000 Celebrity Autographs

Advanced Autograph Collecting

Advanced Autograph Collecting

Guide line with signatures

A Study of Elvis Presley`s Autograph

The public and private Elvis through his signature and handwriting
Autograph - The Truth About Collecting

Autograph - The Truth About Collecting

It doesn`t have to be real, it just has to be authentic

Autographen aus der Sammlung Karl Geigy-Hagenbach, Basel, und anderem Besitz

Autographen aus der Sammlung Karl Geigy-Hagenbach, Basel, und anderem Besitz : Auktionskatalog der Auktion am 30. und 31. Mai 1961 in Marburg [abgehalten durch die Firmen:] Haus der Bücher AG., Basel, J. A. Stargardt, Marburg.

Amoureuse et rebelle - Histoires d'amour et lettres inédites de Arletty, Edith Piaf, Albertine Sarrazin

Amoureuse et rebelle - Histoires d'amour et lettres inédites de Arletty, Edith Piaf, Albertine Sarrazin

Les lettres d’amour de trois femmes aux destins exceptionnels – Arletty, Édith Piaf et Albertine Sarrazin – sont commentées par trois auteurs qui les ont bien connues – respectivement Denis Demonpion, Georges Moustaki et Jean-Jacques Pauvert. De bouleversantes correspondances, inédites, enrichies de nombreux fac-similés. Un très beau livre.
Autographs of Indian personalities

Autographs of Indian personalities

The book covers important topics like introduction, what and how to collect autographs, their care and preservation and graphology.


Autographs: A Reference and Price Guide for Sports and Celebrity Autographs

Autographs: A Reference and Price Guide for Sports and Celebrity Autographs

A reference and price guide for sports and celebrity autographs. Beckett has produced the most authoritative autograph price guide covering not only major sports stars, but big-name celebrities as well.
Autographs and Manuscripts: A Collector's Manual

Autographs and Manuscripts: A Collector's Manual

Sponsored by the Manuscript Society, Autographs and Manuscripts offers the collector of autographs and manuscripts a comprehensive manual of the history and fundamentals of autograph collecting and of the various fields and areas of specialization in which to collect. The articles range in coverage from broad concepts such as the development of writing and notes on writing materials to specific topics such as the legal ramifications of manuscript collecting and autographs of the American Civil War.
An autograph collection and the making of it

An autograph collection and the making of it

Among the letters from Lady Charnwood's collection are women writers, historians, actors and Charles Dickens, letters of late Stuart times, early nineteenth-century poets, and great artists. The seven facsimiles shown are of fragments reproduced to the original scale.
A book about autographs

A book about autographs

Concerning the taste for collecting autographs
American Autographs

American Autographs

American Autographs: Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War Leaders, Presidents. TWO VOLUMES

A collection of more than 2,000 facsimiles of letters, documents and signatures compiled by the noted expert in the field. This standard and essential reference book has become exceedingly scarce.

Auction Madness

Auction Madness

Auction Madness: An Uncensored Look Behind the Velvet Drapes of the Great Auction Houses

Autographs of the Ladies, Sailors and Marines of the War between the States

Autographs of the Ladies, Sailors and Marines of the War between the States

Illustrated guide to autographs of women and naval figures of the Civil War by noted collector and dealer Jim Hayes.

Autograph letters, characteristic extracts and signatures, from the correspondence of illustrious and distinguished women of Great Britain

from the XIVth to the XIXth century, collected and copied in fac-simile from original documents, by J. Netherclift
Autograph collecting: a practical manual for amateurs and historical students

Autograph collecting: a practical manual for amateurs and historical students

Containing ample information on the selection and arrangement of autographs, the detection of forged specimens, &c., &c. To which are added numerous facsimiles for study and reference, and an extensive valuation table ...
Autograph Collectors Checklist

Autograph Collectors Checklist

It provides various 'lists' as to how autograph collectors can specialize in separate catagories.
Adventures of an Autograph Collector

Adventures of an Autograph Collector

An Introduction to Collecting with Suggestions for Beginners With 20 Plates Illustrating the Author's Collection

Altersbriefe bedeutender Menschen in Handschrift und Druck

Altersbriefe bedeutender Menschen in Handschrift und Druck

67 „Altersbriefe` von 61 Autoren, darunter - zum Bedauern des Herausgebers - von nur 6 Frauen, sind in diesem Buch wiedergegeben.

Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography

The six-volume Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography was published between 1887 and 1889 and was one of the first and most definitive works of its kind published in America. It contains biographical information about thousands of people (some famous, some more obscure) in American history. It was hailed as a valuable source of information for both scholars and students alike.
Autographs: a key to collecting

Autographs: a key to collecting

The things which the confirmed autograph collector on the one hand and the beginner-collector on the other would wish to know
Autographen des Nationalsozialismus 1939-1945: Nationalsozialistische Ideologen, Funktionäre und Politiker, die Führung der Wehrmacht

Autographen des Nationalsozialismus 1939-1945: Nationalsozialistische Ideologen, Funktionäre und Politiker, die Führung der Wehrmacht

Der geschichtlich versierte Autor und einschlägige Händler von historischen Autographen und Handschriften hat mit diesem Werk das erste deutschsprachige Handbuch über Signaturen aus den Jahren des sog. 3. Reichs geschaffen.
Autograph Portfolio

Autograph Portfolio

- A Collection of Facsimile Letters From Eminent Persons


Autographs:Consisting The Declaration Of Independence With The Facsimiles Of The Autographs Of The Signers; The Constitution Of The United States; Washington's farewell Address; And Facsimiles Of The Autographs Of A Large Number of Distinguished Individuals

Autograph, please

A Guidebook for Autograph Collecting by Santosh Kumar Lahoti, Founder of Autograph Collectors Club of India, the only club of its kind in India, has been published by Reesha Books International, Mumbai.

Autographs and Birthdays of Eminent Persons

heavily illustrated with signatures of notable persons




Per la prima volta un’edizione straordinaria appositamente realizzata per i collezionisti e gli appassionati di autografi. Questo catalogo nasce quindi dall’esigenza sentita nel settore di cercare di codificare, almeno in parte, catalogare e conoscere il  valore degli autografi italiani...

Autogramme erzählen Geschichten

Autogramme erzählen Geschichten

Es ist ein Geschichtsbuch der besonderen Art, das Belz veröffentlicht. Er lässt im Wesentlichen die Bilder und Signaturen für sich sprechen – ergänzt durch Kurzbiographien und markante Zitate.

Autographs of the Confederacy

Autographs of the Confederacy

A reference work for autograph collectors (A Cohasco publication)

A Collection of Handwriting of the Men who Led the Confederacy.

Among My Autographs

Among My Autographs

with 70 facsimile authors signatures
Autogramok Könyve - Book of Autographs

Autogramok Könyve - Book of Autographs

The first Hungarian book about autographs ever

András Kolozs, a longtime Hungarian Autograph collector and expert, published a book in early April this year.