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Kategorien beginnend mit C

Produkte beginnend mit C

Collecting Historical Documents

Collecting Historical Documents

A guide to owning history written by Todd Axelrod

Collection of Autographed Portraits

1927, Youngstow, illustrated.


Chats on Autographs

written by Alexander Meyrick Broadley

Celebrity Signature Facsimiles

A Facsimile Guide with over 4200 "in person" Examples

Collector's Guide to Celebrity Autographs

Collector's Guide to Celebrity Autographs

The second edition of this popular guide contains more than 7,000 listings and depicts 900 autographs.
Christensen's Celebrity Autographs

Christensen's Celebrity Autographs

Over 6000 Celebrity Autograph Reproductions

Collect Autographs: An illustrated Guide to Collecting Autographs

Collect Autographs: An illustrated Guide to Collecting Autographs

Illustrated autographs of personalities of all collecting fields

Cosmonaut Autographs

Cosmonaut Autographs

Identification Guide

Collecting Autographs and Manuscripts

Collecting Autographs and Manuscripts

Illustrated with more than 1400 Facsimiles and Other Reproductions.
Collecting Signatures of the Presidents of the United States on Baseball

Collecting Signatures of the Presidents of the United States on Baseball

2012, First Edition, with comments by former President Jimmy Carter. One hundred and forty pages, heavily illustrated. This book provides information about baseballs signed by presidents of the United States that will be found nowhere else
Collecting Historical Documents: A Guide to Owning History

Collecting Historical Documents: A Guide to Owning History

A guide to owning Historical Documents. Own a check signed by Orville Wright, or an autographed photograph of the Beatles, or a letter written by Jesse James. These a just a few examples of historical documents, unique collectibles that put fragments of man's experience into the collector's hands. 
Cher Ami ... Votre Marcel Proust

Cher Ami ... Votre Marcel Proust

Marcel Proust im Spiegel seiner Korrespondenz, Briefe und Autographen aus der Bibliotheca Proustiana. Zur Ausstellung im Literaturhaus München, 2009 und im Museum für angewandte Kunst, Köln, 2009. Dtsch.-Französ.

Jürgen Ritte & Reiner Speck (dir.), Cher ami... votre Marcel Proust. Marcel Proust et sa correspondance, Gand :  Snoeck Publishers, 2009, édition bilingue français-allemand.

Marcel Proust war ein überaus eifriger Briefschreiber; nach seinem Rückzug aus der Gesellschaft in das korkgetäfelte Zimmer scheint die Korrespondenz einziges Bindeglied zwischen äußerer und innerer Welt zu sein. Sie ist gleichzeitig Ferment für die sich über mehr als eineinhalb Jahrzehnte erstreckende Genese seines opus magnum. Ein internationales Autorenteam hat in Aufsätzen die verschiedensten Kontexte der Korrespondenz beleuchtet: Man erfährt Neues über die Adressaten und ihre Beteiligung an der Publikations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte, über das literarische Leben in Paris, über Proust als Zeichner, über das Verhältnis zu seiner Mutter, seine Briefstilistik.

Collecting Autographs

Collecting Autographs

A guide for beginning philographers, including areas in which to collect, what makes an autograph valuable, obtaining autographs by mail and in person, and preserving and displaying a collection.

Collector's Guide to Autographs

(Wallace-Homestead Collector's Guide Series)

Civil War Autographs and Manuscripts

A Guide to Autographs and Manuscripts of the War...
Collecting Book and Pamphlets Signed by Presidents of United States

Collecting Book and Pamphlets Signed by Presidents of United States


Collecting Historical Autographs

Collecting Historical Autographs

In this book, author Ron Keurajian, shares his nearly fifty years of vast knowledge of autographs with the International Autograph Community.