SecretaryCarter, Lynda
Lynda has used a secretary for many years and the vast majority of her TTM graphs are bad. Once you look at a handful of in person graphs you can see the TTM just don't match up right.
I'm going to attach some in person shots done "To Jeff" and some TTM also "To Jeff". First, Lynda almost never puts the A in Lynda. If you look at a dozen in person examples, you'll maybe find 1 where some kind of actual A is there. Her in person graph looks like "Lynd Carter". But for me, the A is the first thing I look for when I see one. The inscription, as usual, is where the secretary falls apart. Look at the in person "To Jeff" and look how she ends the second F. She loops in to the left. She always does this with my name. Now look at the secretarial examples. The second F comes out to the right. Now look at the capital J. No matter what the name, her capital J has a bend to it. Look at the secretarial capital J's. You can follow a straight line from the top of the J to the bottom of it. Now try doing that with an in person. The inscriptions are different because you've got a different person signing the mail. It's not Lynda.
First 2 are in person inscribed To Steve. The second set are TTM secretarials also signed To Steve. Look how different the inscriptions are. Just 2 totally different people, one of which is the real Lynda and the other not. These secra's are current from 2010. I believe it's a different secretary from many years ago. Notice how sloppy the N's are in Lynda. It's almost like she's turning them into M's. Just too many bumps there. The real Lynda doesn't do that, and even the older secretary didn't do it. So it does look like she's had multiple people signing the mail for her over the years. So you really have to be careful.
text and reference by Jeff Ceterko (Autographhound1)