Michael Jackson

Written by Stephen Koschal on Mittwoch, 16 Juli 2014. Posted in Music

Attention collector's and dealers. It seems since early last year there has been a flood of people offering the signature of Michael Jackson at prices from $75.00 to $300.00.  

Problem is not one of them have been genuine. The sellers say the signature was cut out of one of his signed books.  The book the signature came out of is titled Moonwalk. This was Michael Jackson's Autobiography published in February 1988 with a Forward by Jacqueline Onassis. 

These signatures are printed signatures and every copy of Moonwalk has one of them.  One of these signatures, especially if framed  with a photo of Jackson could possibly fool the average collector. Beware!

See illustration below.


About the Author

Stephen Koschal

Stephen Koschal

Established 1967.

Autograph dealer with inventory in all fields of collecting.

Author, autograph authenticator and advocate of autograph education.



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