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Produkte mit den Tags DOCUMENTS

Emily Dickinson: The Gorgeous Nothings

Emily Dickinson: The Gorgeous Nothings

The Gorgeous Nothings is the the first full-color facsimile edition of Emily Dickinson's manuscripts ever to appear.
Big Name Hunting

Big Name Hunting

A Beginner`s Guide to Autograph Collecting
Scribblers And Scoundrels

Scribblers And Scoundrels

A famous manuscript dealer and auctioneer recounts his personal experiences in the exciting world of autograph and manuscript collecting
Autograph - The Truth About Collecting

Autograph - The Truth About Collecting

It doesn`t have to be real, it just has to be authentic
Letters of Note : An Eclectic Collection of Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience

Letters of Note : An Eclectic Collection of Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience

This spectacular collection of more than 125 letters offers a never-before-seen glimpse of the events and people of history—the brightest and best, the most notorious, and the endearingly everyday
Collecting Signatures of the Presidents of the United States on Baseball

Collecting Signatures of the Presidents of the United States on Baseball

2012, First Edition, with comments by former President Jimmy Carter. One hundred and forty pages, heavily illustrated. This book provides information about baseballs signed by presidents of the United States that will be found nowhere else
James A. Garfield A Signature Study With A Focus On His Presidential Signatures

James A. Garfield A Signature Study With A Focus On His Presidential Signatures

First Edition, signed, limited to only 50 numbered copies. Ninety-two pages, heavily illustrated. Learn erroneous information about Garfield's signature that has been written in autograph publications.


Cet ouvrage présente plus de cent cinquante documents signés par des noms prestigieux de l'histoire, des sciences, de la littérature, des arts, de la musique ou de la scène.
La lumière apportée par les lettres et manuscrits dans le domaine de la connaissance humaine est irremplaçable. En outre, une lettre ou un manuscrit autographe provoque une émotion unique, livrant au passage, petits et grands secrets.
The Signature of America by Charles Hamilton Look at Famous Handwriting HBDJ

The Signature of America by Charles Hamilton Look at Famous Handwriting HBDJ

Charles Hamilton is the world´s most famous autograph dealer and auctioneer; this book - and he has turned out one fascinating book after another on the subject of philography. But this latest book - his most controversial yet - goes far beyond collecting.

Embellished with about 1500 illustrations -signatures, letters, documents and original drawings- most of them never before published, this fiery passage through America´s past will give you a dramatic, new insight into our national history and culture.


Collecting Historical Documents: A Guide to Owning History

Collecting Historical Documents: A Guide to Owning History

A guide to owning Historical Documents. Own a check signed by Orville Wright, or an autographed photograph of the Beatles, or a letter written by Jesse James. These a just a few examples of historical documents, unique collectibles that put fragments of man's experience into the collector's hands. 
History Comes to Life: Collecting Historical Letters and Documents

History Comes to Life: Collecting Historical Letters and Documents

In History Comes to Life: Collected Historical Letters and Documents, Kenneth W. Rendell guides the reader through all aspects of collecting irresistible letters, manuscripts, and documents in virtually all subject areas from ancient times through the twentieth century.
La vie en toutes lettres : Ces paroles qui marquent notre existence

La vie en toutes lettres : Ces paroles qui marquent notre existence

La Vie en toutes lettres conjugue la lettre à tous les temps de 1519 à 2010.

D'amitié à transmission, 26 mots clés pour regrouper des lettres inoubliables afin de dresser un abécédaire aussi passionné qu'émouvant de la correspondance : Jean Gaudichaud écrit à sa cousine en 1806, afin de lui conter sa dernière bataille et de la demander en mariage; «Alouette» commande à Jésus les habits de ses poupées en décembre 1905 ; Antoine de Saint-Exupéry célèbre l'écologie et l'amitié en 1934 ; Raymond, résistant déporté, écrit une lettre sur une planche avant de la sceller dans le mur d'une maison polonaise; Robert Desnos dicte un chant d'amour à Youki depuis son camp de concentration ; Denise s'adresse à ses onze enfants avant de mourir en couches en 1947; Philippe implore sa mère qui perd la mémoire en 2010...
105 trésors en toutes lettres choisis parmi les milliers de courriers et de courriels envoyés par les Français qui ont répondu à l'appel émis dans la presse, sous l'égide de La Poste, puisés dans les collections des grandes institutions de la mémoire et des grands passionnés d'autographes. La lettre, éclectique, à l'image de la vie. La lettre dans tous ses états, qu'elle soit manuscrite ou pixélisée. La lettre : expression de l'intime par excellence.

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series: Volume 11: 19 January to 31 August 1817

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series: Volume 11: 19 January to 31 August 1817

The 584 documents in this volume cover the period from 19 January to 31 August 1817, during which Jefferson devotes much time and energy to founding Central College, the predecessor of the University of Virginia.

Hors série Plume n°1O - Musée des lettres et manuscrits

Ce musée est un temple, une cathédrale oecuménique de la culture et de l’écrit. « Une madeleine de pierre » aurait dit Proust… Un musée qui réunit tous les savoirs comme l’avait voulu Ptolémée à Alexandrie.
Une partie de la mémoire de l’histoire universelle est ici préservée et montrée pour le plus grand bonheur des visiteurs : délicate et importante mission que nous sommes fiers d’assumer et de mener à bien.
Retrouver le temps perdu à travers les écrits, tel pourrait être notre apostolat.
Autographs of Indian personalities

Autographs of Indian personalities

The book covers important topics like introduction, what and how to collect autographs, their care and preservation and graphology.


The Guinness Book of World Autographs

"The Guinness Book of World Autographs", hardback, first hardback published in 1977 in Enfield-Middlesex England, 244 pgs (ISBN:0900424737). (Re-published in 1978 as "The Stein & Day Book of World Autographs") Hundreds of facsimile autographs and identifications of famous personalities from around the world: military, political, literature, monarchs, astronauts, musicians, scietists, prime ministers, presidents, etc. Not a scholarly work, but a nice reference for the dedicated autograph collector. (See also the author's "Four Hundred Years of British Autographs")
Gettysburg Replies, The World Responds to Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Gettysburg Replies, The World Responds to Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Almost five months after the Civil War’s deadliest clash, President Abraham Lincoln and other Union leaders gathered to dedicate the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The program for the occasion featured music, prayer, orations, and benedictions. In the middle of it all, the president gave a few commemorative remarks, speaking for just two minutes, delivering what we now know as the Gettysburg Address.
Handwriting Analysis: A Guide to Personality

Handwriting Analysis: A Guide to Personality

Handwriting Analysis: A Guide to Personality by David Battan


Autographs and Manuscripts: A Collector's Manual

Autographs and Manuscripts: A Collector's Manual

Sponsored by the Manuscript Society, Autographs and Manuscripts offers the collector of autographs and manuscripts a comprehensive manual of the history and fundamentals of autograph collecting and of the various fields and areas of specialization in which to collect. The articles range in coverage from broad concepts such as the development of writing and notes on writing materials to specific topics such as the legal ramifications of manuscript collecting and autographs of the American Civil War.
A book about autographs

A book about autographs

Concerning the taste for collecting autographs
Presidential Doodles

Presidential Doodles

Presidential Doodles: Two Centuries of Scribbles, Scratches, Squiggles & Scrawls from the Oval Office: Two Centuries of Scribbles, Scratches, Squiggles and Scrawls from the Oval Office

What were the leaders of the free world really doing during all those meetings? As the editors of Cabinet magazine reveal here for the first time, they were doodling. Our Founding Fathers doodled, and so did Andrew Jackson. Benjamin Harrison accomplished almost nothing during his time in the White House, but he left behind some impressive doodles.

American Autographs

American Autographs

American Autographs: Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War Leaders, Presidents. TWO VOLUMES

A collection of more than 2,000 facsimiles of letters, documents and signatures compiled by the noted expert in the field. This standard and essential reference book has become exceedingly scarce.

The Hitler Diaries: Fakes that Fooled the World

The Hitler Diaries: Fakes that Fooled the World

Now for the first time, the complete expose of the most daring and successful forgery of all time. For seven days in April 1983, the sensational discovery of Hitler's sixty-two volumes of secret diaries dominated the news headlines of the world. Scholars hailed the diaries as the greatest find of the century, a historical bonanza that would entirely alter our views of Hitler and the Third Reich. Shocked readers followed daily installments showing that Hitler knew nothing about the Holocaust. Then, in an abrupt reversal, the diaries were proved to be bogus!.
In Search of Shakespeare: A Reconnaissance Into the Poet's Life and Handwriting

In Search of Shakespeare: A Reconnaissance Into the Poet's Life and Handwriting

Everyone wants to pluck out the heart of Shakespeare's mystery, and Charles Hamilton believes that he has done so.

Talks About Autographs

by Hill, George Birkbeck Norman, 1835-1903

Published 1896
British Literary Manuscripts, Series I: From 800 to 1800: From 800 to 1800 Series 1

British Literary Manuscripts, Series I: From 800 to 1800: From 800 to 1800 Series 1

Autographs by 111 authors reproduced fromoriginals in Morgan Library. Transcriptions, commentary.

The Educated Collector's Guide to Buying Autographs

Steven Raab: "Knowledge is the key to building a collection that stands the test of time."
Forging History: The Detection of Fake Letters and Documents

Forging History: The Detection of Fake Letters and Documents

Focusing on three of the most skilful and notorious forgeries of modern times, Kenneth W. Rendell demonstrates that the authentication of historical documents and letters depends on analysis rather than intuition. Rendell begins by showing the reader paired examples of writing of historical figures (such as George Washington, Richard Wagner and Calvin Coolidge) and then demonstrating which of each pair is genuine and which forged.
The Sanders Price Guide to Autographs

The Sanders Price Guide to Autographs

The World's Leading Autograph Pricing Authority

The Complete Book of Autograph Collecting

The Complete Book of Autograph Collecting

To most people the word "autograph" means simply a person's signature. But autograph material can be any note or letter, whether signed or not, a document such as a check or deed, a book manuscript, notes of music set down by a composer, a sketch by an artist.
The Autograph Souvenir

The Autograph Souvenir

A Collection of Autograph Letters, Interesting, Documents & C, Executed in Facsimile by Frederick George Netherclift

Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography

The six-volume Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography was published between 1887 and 1889 and was one of the first and most definitive works of its kind published in America. It contains biographical information about thousands of people (some famous, some more obscure) in American history. It was hailed as a valuable source of information for both scholars and students alike.
Thomas Jefferson’s Invisible Hand

Thomas Jefferson’s Invisible Hand

This 69 page soft cover booklet belongs in every autograph collector’s library. Certainly, everyone who plans to buy a Jefferson letter should read it.

Pen, Ink and Evidence

Pen, Ink and Evidence

A Study of Writing and Writing Materials for the Penman, Collector, and Document Detective

True to the Letter

True to the Letter

800 Years of Remarkable Correspondence, Documents, and Autographs
The Definitive Book of Handwriting Analysis

The Definitive Book of Handwriting Analysis

The Complete Guide to Interpreting Personalities, Detecting Forgeries, and Revealing Brain Activity Through the Science of Graphology

Autographs and Birthdays of Eminent Persons

heavily illustrated with signatures of notable persons


The Manuscript Society Criteria for Describing Manuscripts and Documents

The Manuscript Society Criteria for Describing Manuscripts and Documents

The Manuscript Society Criteria for Describing Manuscripts and Documents 3 presents standardized abbreviations (codes) and recommends their use. Most of the code letters are not new, but because of the extreme variability in their usage over the years, it became necessary to adopt a more precise set of criteria for all to use. Periods between abbreviations were eliminated (e.g. ALS instead of A.L.S.). Precise dictionary definitions for each code letter were applied (e.g. A = autographed). Autograph is a noun or transitive verb, not an adjective; thus ALS = autographed letter signed, not autograph letter signed).

Among My Autographs

Among My Autographs

with 70 facsimile authors signatures
The Letters of Ernest Hemingway: Volume 2, 1923-1925 (The Cambridge Edition of the Letters of Ernest Hemingway)

The Letters of Ernest Hemingway: Volume 2, 1923-1925 (The Cambridge Edition of the Letters of Ernest Hemingway)

The Letters of Ernest Hemingway documents the life and creative development of a gifted artist and outsized personality whose work would both reflect and transform his times.