Cannes Film Festival 2010
As we all Know, The Cannes film festival is the biggest Grandest Global event concerning top movie celebrities.
Being of such an ' High Brow ' Importance each calendar year, Its very easy to misconceive, thinking It might be one of the most difficult places to obtain autographs.
Although certainly Year after year, it is becoming harder ,as of now we can still happily report that on the whole Cannes is still the place where stars tend to play the game for collectors.
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I have many different stories to share about celebrities who we found in & around The Cannes film festival from this year...
One such star was Woody Allen.
Usually Woody Allen is very nice with fans, But Cannes must take its toll on him, He seemed somewhat edgy, Even afraid by crowds of people positioning themselves & cajoling around him, But at each designated place to meet & greet he took his time for the fans.
I saw him three times during Cannes and he signed for me!
My second star example concerns Kirsten Dunst.
during the last 3 to 4 years, she's not been very forthcoming or helpful with the fans, but during her Cannes trip she was great & played the game with us.
So much that when she arrived in Cannes she signed a few autographs, And for the last day at the "Palais du festival" she signed up to 2 or 3 each autographs for each collector.
I must Also credit the Rolling stones frontman Mick Jagger , Who was recently spotted enjoying himself at the FiFA world cup in Africa recently.
He was here at cannes, but as all collectors know he has been very hard to approach over the past few years especially nowadays.
Mick stay in Cannes lasted around 6 to 7 days but it was virtually impossible to catch up with him, But Eventually we did!!
He signed a few autographs During one day, promoting his documentary, At the press conference and again as he left his hotel.
After this he hid himself away again.
But only up to the last day when he was leaving Cannes, he was very cool again signing for everybody and everything (records, white paper, photos...).
My last report which is vitally important for me concerns Russell Crowe.
I saw him often during his time here - Unfortunately each time he refused, He just doesn't like to be bothered by fans.
I also saw him two weeks before Cannes at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles and again he refused point blank!
However, as I said before Cannes is great for fans, So on the day he arrived in Cannes there were five of us waiting and he happily obliged signing one each.
Later the same day He spotted the five of us, this time at the restaurant he was very cordial with us again.
Infact He was smoking outside the restaurant, he proceeded to walk approximately 50 meters to join us in the restaurant where he signed another five autographs for us.
When he signed my autograph I boldly asked if i could also snap a photograph with him, but he refused ...again!
Surprisingly however, when I left the restaurant he called over to me. and said " Come for your picture ?" I quickly grabbed my camera after he said "That`s ok for you?". It was. A Very satisfying moment indeed !
He signed again for everybody, The day after when he finally left cannes he said me " Good to see you again" And this time I got two!
This is why I can really justify saying Cannes really is a place, Where the stars play the game for fans, Eventually even if some patience is needed for stars to open up sometimes.
STOP PRESS: Even Max Von Sydow or Meg Ryan signed autographs in Cannes!