

Sinatra, Frank


Frank Sinatra is a very difficult autograph to authenticate and be aware as most autographs on the post way have been signed by a secretary.

Frank Sinatra was also on the sale list of the "Filmstar-Sekretariat Hans Dangers“ Berlin-Zehlendorf"

thumb Sinatra Frank 1

fake from the Hans Dangers Filmstar Sekretariat, Berlin

thumb Sinatra Frank 2  thumb Sinatra Frank 3

 fake from the Hans Dangers Filmstar Sekretariat, Berlin
fake from the Hans Dangers Filmstar Sekretariat, Berlin Ufa Film-Foto-AK FK 4192
later secretary from USA
typical 8x10 inch cardbord photo sent out in later years with secretarial signature
fake from the Hans Dangers Filmstar Sekretariat, Berlin

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Mittwoch, 03 September 2014

About the Author

Markus Brandes

Markus Brandes

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Full time autograph dealer since 1996, Co-Founder, autograph dealer of the year 2011, Auctionata Expert for autographs.